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Meet the Team

At Sage Springs Midwifery, there are Certified Professional Midwives available to attend births as your assistant midwife. We feel that ALWAYS having a second set of rigorously trained eyes and hands at a birth greatly improves safety for birthing families. If a complication arises, I know these midwives know exactly what to do. 

Tiffany Hoffman, LM, CPM

Tiffany is my primary assistant midwife and accompanies me to almost all births. We have been working together in various roles since 2012: as students, assistants, and now as midwives . She graduated from Birthwise Midwifery School, a MEAC accredited school. Tiffany is now living her passion working with pregnant people and their families during one of the most amazing and intimate times in their lives. She shines in blending the reverence of physiologic birth with rigorous education and skill of evidence-based midwifery practice. She is honored to be part of each and every birth she is asked to attend. 

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Melissa Mayfield, LM, CPM

Melissa is an assistant midwife with Sage Springs. She completed her Bachelors of Science in Midwifery from Midwives College of Utah, a MEAC accredited school, in 2019. She has practiced in Oregon and Washington and now has a practice here in Nevada. Melissa is very passionate about informed choice and evidence-based practice. She has been described as having a very calming presence by many clients and she values following the clients' lead for the energy she exudes at their births. Home birth is a calling for Melissa and she enjoys being able to provide this as an option for birthing families.

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